DIY Yogurt

Making one’s own yogurt has always been one of those things that I felt I should do, but that just continued to elude me – seeming a little too complicated and a little too risky. Having made my first batch this week, I am completely converted to home yogurt. Easy and delicious and nutritious!


We heated 2 litres of milk to 84 degrees, stirring all the while to prevent sticking.

Then we cooled the pot in a cold water bath – the kitchen sink is a convenient spot – to 44 degrees.

We added starter (yogurt from our friend Val), and mixed it in. We had three big jars of yogurt that we stored in a cooler in 44 degree water Thursday evening to Saturday morning.

Yogurt for breakfast this morning, with apple slices from Bizjak Orchards, and a parsnip muffin (more details and recipe for the parsnip muffins coming up!) Yum!

Albert and Blue

Albert, Hope's baby boy

Sunday morning, Johann found a surprise – Hope had given birth to a calf, now named Albert. And Albert’s birth has marked the beginning of calving season – despite the spring snowstorm!

Last night, I watched Frances restlessly heave herself up and down, and this morning, we milkers were greeted by her new calf, little Blue (…. as in Kentucky Bluegrass – one of the best forage grasses, and

Blue, Frances' baby girl

also this beautiful blue-green planet).

They’re quiet in these pictures, but it’s amazing to see these little calves walking, and jumping and exploring – even this morning, when Blue was just hours old.

We have at least 12 pregnant cows, and I’m enjoying trying to predict which cows will calf next…

From the looks of Tarrah and Polly  and maybe Chloe, little C and D, and maybe E will be arriving soon!

Hope and baby Albert in the snow

Having a drink